

** I love numbers so do the math about it, science to know it in deep then get the insights to gain royalty and avoid the novelty behind it. In short An Analyst. The mixture of Technical and Functional Roles is what I believe completes the cycle of Data Science.
** I am a machine learning and artificial intelligence enthusiast. I am more interested in AI applications and want to be a Data Specialist focus on Quantitative Models, ML...
** Currently building blocks on AIOPS, AWS cloud, NLP section in Depth (You know the GRIND, It Takes Time)
** I am a Computer Science graduate from PIIT, Mumbai Uni., Diploma/Grad in Computer Tech., Diploma in Data Science
** I am currently looking for roles where I can learn new things in Data Science & Analytics and implement them in the Business Use Cases, take a look around while I prepare myself to work for your company..

My Experiences

  • Business Analyst
    details •Worked as developer for a data exchange project responsible for generating extracts and reports to meet the organizational mandates.
    •Delivered analytical reports to sales and account managers related to their clients’ usage trendswhich have contributed to $50K+ in annual recurring revenue.
    •Received increase in Sales ₹150k-300k+ per product annual revenue. Analyzed databases,drawbacks of market with time and development of a model that was 50% efficient than previous.
    •Helped to automate monthly insight generation using python, Sql script reducing FTE by 20%. Worked as a Python developer for a Text Extraction and NER PoC. Reports to see historic purchase.
    •Developed analytical and ML models to identify influential population for outreach programsand decline with .75AUC score. Leveraged medical records and used gradient boosting on decision trees.
    •Created Excel and VBA based tools which were used across the firm and led to a saving of 10% in development efforts.
    •Increased operational efficiency by 30% and reduction of FTE for weekend support Full byoptimizing processes, reducing process failures, and documenting standard operating procedure swithin the team.
    •Interact with stakeholder’s finance market team to fix data related issue, Conducting training,workshops for Rc engines, drone modelling and Customer Segmenting.
    •Developed portfolio dashboard to track online platform performance along with competitor’s analysis.

    Company Ezenith Education LLP
    Duration Jul '17 to Dec '19
    Location - Navi Mumbai, MH, India
  • Data Science Intern
    details o Market Research Analysis to know the impact of the products and analyze them.
    * Perform web scrape, research, and carry out new statistical analysis in the R language for various product items.
    * Generating data from ETL pipeline to get insights from client data and creating month-wise reports, presentations, and dashboard in Tableau to make recommendations for improvement.
    * Working on Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics using R language & python.
    o Churn Prediction for customers and retailers.
    * Based on the customer’s past events and behavior, interactions, we have predicted whether a particular customer will keep using the app or not, same with the retailers.
    * Customer churn analysis system to retain highly valued potential customers, to pre-process the data of more than millions of Records and around 100 features.
    * Data associated with a customer’s multiple interactions with the company. Data was in Sql.
    *Perform Feature Engineering and data mining to cleanse data, treated outliers. Oversampled data to increase the minority class.
    *Implemented Unsupervised algorithm followed by dimensionality reduction technique to get an underlying pattern and segregate the class
    * Build Machine Learning Model, found the accuracy of the Model Prediction using Classification Reports, Confusion Matrix, and Auc Score.

    Company Pinnacle Infotech
    Duration Jan '20 to Apr '20
    Location- Mumbai, MH, India
  • Data Analytics
    details o Work with client organizations by taking large volumes of data, cleaning it, interpreting it, and presenting it in order to answer a particular question or provide a solution to a problem.
    * Focus on Generating business Insights with more collaboration between domain experts and efficient communication with relevancy in Machine Learning and AI.
    * Ad-hoc analysis, reports, dashboards or presentations through Tableau, Powerbi/ Data Studio that give competitive insights to the clients.

    Company Upwork Freelancer
    Duration Dec '20 to May '21
    Location - Mumbai, MH, India
  • Data Science Deep Learning Intern
    details •Developed an ETL pipeline for detecting Image copyright infringements using third party detections of Reuters’ images on websites, and matching detection details to internal client databases to filter out false positives.
    •Achieved 75% accuracy on a deep learning computer vision using Python which identifies hand signs just from a photo to NLU words.
    •Achieved an accuracy around 96% for English and Spanish resspectively for text classification ones on news stories.
    •Worked on a PoC to quantify gender diversity in news articles. Achieved the same using NLTK.
    •Trained on acquired & custom captured data for hands sign by Cnn, Lstm and Object detection. For Real time used Google media pipe holistic model streamlined the identification of ROI gesture detection which was 94% accurate 15-23 fps with minimum memory transfer between inference backend and required lesser data to train than competitor analysis Yolo v4 Parameter optimizing made 20% more efficiency.
    •With PoC to quantify State of Art Algorithm achieves significant performance in smartphones when implemented.

    Company iNeuron Intelligence Pvt Ltd
    Duration May '21 to Aug '21
    Location - Bangalore, KA, India Remote
  • Data Analyst
    details •Designed and developed a comprehensive and versatile Data quality and Value assessment module for the management. The module developed on Jupyter brought down the time of data quality assessment of more than 50 million rows of data from 60hours to 50mins, was compatible with different types of datasets (transaction, health-care, geolocation etc.) and generated 2 reports.
    It allowed flexibility to the user to tailor the conditions and checks according to the business and assess the quality of data.•Working on Anomaly Detection on techmag.com
    •Working on Anomaly Detection on techmag.com metrics. Built a pipeline that utilizes Scikit-Learn’s Isolation Forest Algorithm to assign an anomaly score to data points, and the points can then be flagged as an anomaly based on a dynamic threshold by the end-user through a Tableau dashboard.
    •Added statistical tests (K-S & 𝜒𝜒-squared) to monitor data distribution drifts with ML-automated test suite in Docker Images. Deployed PyDQ as Docker container on S3 for monthly-scheduled automated data quality tests using Sagemaker Processing Jobs•Recommended products with market-basket, predictive techniques which lead to increase in revenue by 17%. Customer churn analysis which led to growth in retention.
    •To build a Statistical Model using Poisson Distribution and finding Z-Statistics value to determine the Fill rate such that the number must be greater than or equal to 0% but less than 10%.
    •Providing analytics by extracting web browsing data for user interactions, their browsing pattern.

    Company Zobsidian
    Duration Dec '22 to Present
    Location - Mumbai, MH, India

MOOC's list.

My Education

  • Pgd Data Science   Nov '22

    AIMA, Jain University
    Institute IMS Proschool, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    First Class

  • Bachelor of Engineering Computer Science   May '17

    Mumbai University (MU)
    Institute Pillai Institute Of Information Technology, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    First Class

  • Diploma of Engineering Computer Science   May '13

    Maharashtra State Board Of Technical Education (MSBTE), Mumbai University
    Institute Terna Polytechnic, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    First Class

  • High School S.S.C. (10th)   May '08

    Mumbai University MU
    Institute St. Marys High School, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    Percentage: 74%

My Offered Services

Know more about me on LinkedIn, Github, Medium, Twitter.

explore more here.


What I like

I spend most of my time learning, discovering new technologies and watching tech videos, but sometimes I also like to enjoy real life moments. Here are some of the activities I like to practice when having a break. I'd be glad to exchange on those subjects with you !

I have been playing games since when i was 7 got my first pc Intel pentium 1 . Both adventure and Fps are my fav. Would love to see you on co-op mission with me Playstation

I played Pool practice Swimming as a kid, then I got a subscription to Navi Mumbai's Sprts Association club when I was, and today I always enjoy play along game with some friends or colleagues.

Speedcubing is the art of solving a Rubik's Cube as fast as possible. Using Friedrich method, I average around 40s, and my personal best is 25s. Check out my WCA profile



Kopar Khairne, Maharashtra, India.


+91 9773538426

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